Autumn is here with its beautiful vibrant colors and cool nights. It is also a season for harvesting, replenishing reserves, transition, and introspection.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Autumn is associated with the Lungs (Yin organs) and the Large Intestine (Yang organ). The lungs, masters of the Qi (energy) and intermediate between the inner body and the outer environment, distribute the Qi all over the body to protect against external attacks by pathogens and infectious diseases.

According to TCM, foods that reflect the autumnal qualities are astringent in nature, spicy in flavor and nutrient dense, like root vegetables. It is also advisable to add very little water and cook over low heat for long periods of time to maximize nutrition and facilitate digestion. Sweet potatoes, parsnips, leeks, squash, adzuki beans, seafood, fish, eggs, fennel, radish, daikon, horseradish, chilies, onions, garlic, ginger, olives, almonds, apples, and pears are a few examples.
In case of increased needs, supplements can help replenish deficiencies which may be present:
- Omega-3 with their anti-inflammatory action.
- Vitamins and antioxidants which may help reduce stress and inflammation and reinforce defenses.
- Medicinal plants with nourishing, mucolytic or antitussive properties.
- Certain essential oils with calming, decongestant and lymphatic actions.
Finally, don't forget to take advantage of the beautiful sunny days with long walks or hikes to reoxygenate while enjoying the dazzling color festival offered by nature.

It will be my pleasure to schedule a private consultation to offer you more personalized advice specifically adapted to your needs.
Ruby Maalouf, ND