Some babies are ready to start eating solids earlier than others. There are many clues that your child will exhibit to let you know that he/she is ready. Be sure to follow your baby's development and not base your decision on a specific age or date. Also, be sure to discuss your plan with your child's healthcare provider before you start. Here are the signs to look out for:

Baby has doubled his/her birth weight.
Baby Is capable of sitting up and holding head steady without support.
Baby's tongue reflex is present, and baby does not spit the food out.
Baby’s teeth start growing.
Baby is eating more frequently and still seems hungry.
Baby shows interest in food and observes parents eating.
Baby is able to hold food and place it in his/her mouth.
If your baby does not show much interest when offered food, does not open their mouth when presented with food or spits the food out more than once, your baby may be telling to hold off on solid foods a little longer. Wait a week or two then try again.
Babies have immature detoxification systems and their brains and nervous systems are still developing, so they may be particularly susceptible to toxins. This is why it is best to buy organic as much as possible if you can afford it and also to avoid genetically modified produce.
You can save money and stay within your budget by stocking up when there are special offers and promotions in supermarkets and organic stores or by purchasing directly from farms. You can then prepare and freeze several individual portions and store in the freezer for up to 3 months. To defrost, place portion needed in refrigerator for 1 day or warm up in a double boiler (bain-marie). NEVER defrost in microwave oven.
However, if you cannot afford to buy exclusively organic produce, then try to adopt the following guidelines:
Produce: check out the most recent “Dirty dozen” and "Clean Fifteen" produce lists to find out which crops are subjected to the most use of pesticides and which are subjected to the least amount so you can decide when to pay extra for organic (,
Animal products: try to meats and animal products from animals raised without the use of antibiotics or hormones.
Fish: favor varieties low in mercury (see table below) and preferable wild not farmed.

A food reaction is not the same as a food allergy.
A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to certain foods. It typically occurs rapidly, within a few minutes to a few hours after consuming the offending food. Symptoms of a food allergy range from mild to severe, sometimes including life-threatening anaphylactic reactions such as lip or tongue swelling, hives, wheezing or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If severe symptoms develop you should seek medical attention immediately.
A food reaction or food intolerance is not life threatening because it does not trigger an immune response, it is a non-allergic hypersensitivity to certain foods. It happens when the body cannot fully digest a particular food, thereby causing discomfort. Symptoms of a food reaction can occur immediately or up to a few days after exposure and many of them mimic a viral infection, so it might not be initially clear that it is a food reaction. This is also why you should never introduce a new food if your baby is ill in any way or has a skin or diaper rash.
The 4-day wait plan method
Some babies react to many foods, some react to none, and some react to a few foods. You will only find out which baby you have once you start introducing foods. Since food intolerance symptoms do not always occur immediately using the “4-day wait plan” method will help you identify if any food is causing a reaction. If you introduce new foods faster or give your baby table food, often containing several ingredients, it will be exceedingly difficult to determine which food is the culprit.
Signs of a food reactions include, but are not limited to, the following:
Diarrhea, mucus in stool, green stool
Irritable bowels, gas and bloating, increased burping
Skin reactions: face, around mouth, bum rash, around anus or urethra, eczema…
Hyperactivity, lethargy, changes in personality, irritability
Runny or stuffy nose, flu-like symptoms
Ear infections
Allergic shiners (dark circles under eyes)
Cough, sneezing
Watery eyes
excessive irritability
Start with one food at a time, if your baby has no bad reaction to it after 4-7 days, you can add it to the "tolerated foods" list and introduce another. Once a food is well tolerated you can mix and match with other tolerated foods.
If your baby develops a bad reaction to a food (see symptoms list above) discontinue the food and do not introduce any other new foods until all symptoms have completely resolved. This rest period is necessary to allow baby's immature digestive system to rest and also ensures that you are very clear on which food caused the reaction.
Adding flavors and spices is a good idea, however, in general avoid very spicy or hot flavors. Some great choices to start with are cinnamon, basil, thyme, oregano, and anis.
Start by offering solid foods once a day only, eventually, your child will eat 3 meals and 1 to 2 snacks a day. You will know your baby is ready for an additional meal when:
Baby readily eats the meal(s) you are already offering
Baby seems hungrier
Baby has great interest in the meal you are eating
Start by offering the pureed food once a day only, in the morning 1 hr after breastfeeding, 1-2 teaspoons is enough for a start, you can slowly increase to 1-2 tablespoons according to your baby's needs.
4-6 Months: 1-2 teaspoons each day of pureed food
Avocado (a great first food full of healthy fats and mild in flavor)
Sweet potato
Winter squash
6-9 Months: 1-2 tablespoons each day of pureed or mashed foods
Jrusalem artichocke
9 months: 2-4 tablespoons per day of pureed food, start small finger foods
Berries (except strawberries, which can be allergenic – wait until 12+ months to introduce them)
Kale, chard, cabbage
Potato and sweet potato
String bean
Pork (definitely organic)
Beans and lentils (you can mix them with some chicken stock)
Sunflower and pumpkin seed butter (thinned)
Oatmeal, millet and rice cereal
Blackstrap molasses (excellent source of iron and calcium), can be added on anything
12 months, mashed or finger foods
Orange and other citrus
Peanut butter (avoid completely if someone else in the family is allergic)
Barley, rye and non-GMO wheat (many people react to GMO wheat but not to non-GMO)
Choking foods: babies under 9 months of age tend to choke easily, so use caution; no bites or chunks of any kind at 4 months
Honey or corn syrup should never be given until 1 year of age due to risk of botulism
Sugar or sugar substitutes
Salt (babies's kidneys are still immature and cannot handle large amounts of sodium)
Caffeine, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, also be cautious with natural flavors
Juice, soda, high sugar-carb drinks (rice milk), may lead to nutritional deficiencies, loose stools, damage tooth enamel as well as lead to obesity & multiple health problems (during 2nd year of life, 1-3 oz always diluted in water are acceptable)
Dried fruit, it is exceedingly high in sugar & sticks to the teeth increasing the chances for tooth decay
Raw meat, fish, eggs or dairy
When baby spits the food out, or
Stops looking at you, or
Turns head away when you present food, or
Does not open mouth when you present food, or
Pushes food away
If you see these signals from your baby, you know the meal is over.
Read labels if ready-made baby food– make sure you know exactly what you’re giving baby.
Don’t double dip the spoon. If baby is not going to finish the jar use a bowl and spoon feed from there. Double dipping the spoon introduces bacteria that can cause the contents of the jar to spoil
Keep open jars refrigerated. Discard open jars after 2 to 3 days
Choose BPA-free pouches
Pouches are very practical and baby can feed alone but they are often high in sugar because of their high fruit content and they also bypass the normal eating mechanism of gumming or chewing and swalling with slurping and swallowing. This method exposes the teeth and gums to a longer contact with sugar and may increase the risk of dental decay. Use them during outings and for busy days but not a the standard way of feeding your baby.
Homemade is the best and healthiest option: you can add water or pumped breast milk to the food to achieve desired consistency. You can make large batches and freeze in small portions.
Table food: Whatever the family is eating gets pureed and fed to baby. Likely the easiest option.
Rice cereal has little nutritional value: it is high in carbohydrates with little or no protein or fat and very few vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, recent research indicates that arsenic levels are higher in all brands of rice cereal as opposed to non-rice cereals.
I. Iron
Iron reserves of a full term breast baby combined with the highly absorbable breast milk iron are usually sufficient to maintain adequate hemoglobin until 6 to 9 months of age. The iron found in baby formulas is much less absorbable than the iron in mothers’ milk:
Maternel milk 50-70%
Baby formula fortified with iron 3-5%
Cow's milk 4-10%
Cereals with iron 10%
If a blood test determines that a baby has insufficient levels of iron, it is a good idea to increase nutritional sources and retest after a few weeks before deciding to supplement. Foods rich in iron include molasses, red meats, certain types of fish, poultry, egg yolks, prunes, legumes (lima beans, fava beans, lentils…), as well as green vegetables such as spinach, parsley, Swiss chard, watercress, nettle among many others.
II. Vitamin D
Babies born in early spring or summer get sufficient vitamin D with a 5-30 min exposure to sunlight (without sunscreen) per day from April until September.
The darker the baby’s skin the longer the exposure needed
Babies born after end of August need to supplement with 400 iu of vitamin D from September until end March until 2 years of age (cod liver oil is a good option)
Janet Zand, ND et al; Smart Medicine for a healthier child 2nd edition. Penguin Group (USA) inc. 2004 (copyright 1994)
Susan M. Roberts, ND: Naturopathic pediatric essentials; Healing Mountain Publishing Inc. WA 2003
Dr. Jeremy Friedman et al: Baby Care Basics; Robert Rose Inc. Text copyright 2015 The Hospital for sick children
Erika Krumbeck, ND: My infant health binder 2018
Alice Calahan, PhD: The Science of Mom “Starting solids: 4 months, 6 months or somewhere in between?” May 2015
Volodymyr I. Lushchak, et al. Pesticide toxicity: a mechanistic approach, Excli J. 2018; 17:1101-1136. PMCID:PMC6295629
Fish Consumption and Health.
Cantani A, Micera M. Genetically modified foods and childre potential health risks. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2001 Jan-Feb;5(1):25-9.